Home / Health / Covid vaccination reader: priority for 45+, those who need 2nd Jabs; States can modify the standard

Covid vaccination reader: priority for 45+, those who need 2nd Jabs; States can modify the standard

New Delhi: The vaccination program will retain the categorization of priorities for health workers, front-line workers, people over the age of 45 and those due for the second doses followed by the age group from 18 to 44 years old. By facilitating the supply and payment of JABs purchased by private hospitals across the national the electronic platform of the health authority.

The guidelines for the revised immunization policy announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, where the Center will provide vaccines for eligible adults over 18 years, indicate that the priority categorization will apply to vaccines it provides, but States may decide on their own priority character in the procurement schedules.

According to government liberation, private hospitals will charge a maximum of 780 RS for a Covoxield shot, 1,410 RS for Covaxin and 1,145 rupees for Sputnik V.


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