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Being a Manager at a Job Has More Responsibilities Than You Think

Manager Responsibilities

A support structure is already in place for you when you work as an individual contributor on a team. You are inexorably drawn to those who share your interests, or at the very least have a thorough understanding of your line of work. And this network is helpful when you just need to rant or need a companion for brainstorming or a sounding board. However, there is only ever one manager of a team, by definition. When you’re stuck, baffled, or frustrated, there is no one else in the same position you can turn to, and that can sometimes make you feel lonely. This is not to argue that it is impossible for a manager to find support. The crucial verb is “find.” Read on for how a manager’s job has many responsibilities.

Emotional Rollercoasater

As a manager, you not only have to deal with your own emotions, but you also deal with others’ sentiments more often. Work is emotional, and if you get along well with your subordinates, they’ll be able to express to you their dissatisfaction, tension, concern, rage, and a wide range of other emotions. There will be tears. There will be shouting. The brows will furrow. Occasionally all at once. Prior to taking on a role of manager, many folks report they were unaware of how challenging it can be to sit on the other side of the negotiation table. Your empathy as a human means that you will probably take on some of your reports’ emotions. To build trust with your staff, you must put yourself in their position and consider things from their point of view, thus on the one hand, this is a good thing. However, be sure that you don’t go too far and into sponge territory or begin to feel responsible for other people’s feelings. Managers must maintain objectivity in order to make wise judgments; you cannot let another person’s rage, frustration, or guilt distort how you see a situation.


It might be difficult to find new talent for your company, so you want to be sure you make the best decision. It takes both ingenuity and diligence to find outstanding talent. Technology has made it simpler than ever to advertise job openings to a large audience, but in order to attract great candidates and generate interest for the position and your business, you need to stand out. An applicant tracking system streamlines the employment process for recruiters, hiring managers, and HR departments (ATS).

Relationships Change

Even while this one shouldn’t come as a surprise, it can still be difficult to accept. It’s undoubtedly a typical occurrence for people to supervise their former peers or coworkers if your organization favors internal promotions. also making that awkward. Your relationship must alter because your relationships with each other have changed. (It might not be the best look any more to drink beers on a Friday afternoon.) If you’re in this circumstance right now, be aware that it will cause you to experience some emotions. Managers who have been through this say that the best way to lessen the awkwardness that follows is to address it directly. Instead of spending time mourning what you’re leaving behind, you may actively construct the next chapter of your relationship by defining clear expectations and making room for both of you to recalibrate.


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