Afghan expounders who worked for the Netherlands have been summoned to appear in court by the Taliban who have menaced their families, Dutch public box NOS reported on Friday.
The expounders are in concealment but their family members will be held responsible if they fail to show up in court”and ill chastised to instruct other double-dealers a assignment,” said a letter from the Taliban, which was looked by the broadcaster.
NOS said the donator, who worked for the EU’s policing agency Europol in Afghanistan, was criminated of taking”dishonourable and impermissible Croesus”from outlanders.
“We’ll takerevenge.However, we will settle scores with your near bones,” said another letter to an expounder whom the Taliban criminated of being responsible for the deaths of some of their fighters, If we aren’t equal to get hold of you.
All clues show that the letters, which bear authorized seals, were despatched by the Taliban, NOS said.
It said it had addressed about 10 exponents or people who had worked for the Dutch and who all said their situation was coming accelerating catchy.
The Taliban in June encouraged exponents who had worked for foreign forces to bemoan but encouraged them to stay on in Afghanistan after the pullback of foreign forces and assured them they would not be harmed.
Just after taking power, the Taliban declared a general absolution for Afghan government and military functionaries.
But despite their pledges not to retaliate themselves, a intimate United Nations report said the Taliban were tracking down people who worked with foreign forces.